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Cadbury, 736[^]1970 Flake 32g

Age: 90 (dont tell anyone!) Height: 15.5cm Weight: 32g Body type: Long and lean. Siblings: Lots of s
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Cadbury, 736[^]1970 Flake 32g
Age: 90 (dont tell anyone!) Height: 15.5cm Weight: 32g Body type: Long and lean. Siblings: Lots of step sisiters! About me: Born in 1920 I am made from delicate folds of milk chocolate. I am full of secret pleasures....although fairly guilt free. Thats why no other chocolate bar can rival my attributes of the delicate, crumbly texture of a Cadbury Flake. Nutrients I can offer you: 715 kJ energy Carbohydrate 17.8g 170 kcal Fat 9.9g Protein 2.6g Fibre 0.2g

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